Elena Solli's profile

Ux Analysis - Communication Agency Web Site

Besystemic is a communication agency specializing in Systemic Design, that is about issues of environmental, economic and social sustainability. It deals with enhancing the strengths, especially those of a sustainable nature, of small and medium-sized companies in different sectors.
Although customer satisfaction ratings have remained relatively constant over the past 7 years, their market share is shrinking by 4% every year, which threatens their business.
After conducting research on the market and on users, they determined that this decline is probably due to the presence of many competing agencies offering advice on environmental issues at more advantageous prices. In addition, research has revealed that many companies prefer to take care of their communication independently, obtaining mediocre and unprofessional results.
Therefore, Besystemic has decided to identify a more specific target, farms and agritourisms, and wants to dedicate them:
A website that caters to the needs of farms and agritourisms
A free web product for calculating the effectiveness of the communication strategy so that farms can receive a report on their situation and understand the need for specialized advice.
The historical context in which Besystemic operates is characterized by a strong economic hardship on the part of production companies. Indeed, the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has forced the closure of many businesses for extended periods. Even after reopening, the general turnover of many companies has not reached the same result as in previous years. Customers have therefore, tend to invest their budget in a thoughtful way.

Besystemic has put together the following vision for their new online product: Besystemic is the agency that enhances sustainable farms and dedicates highly personalized and professional communication solutions to them, through the Systemic Design methodology.
To get a good idea of the target customers, “Besystemic” conducted some user research which produced the following results:
Besystemic end users are:
- People between 25 and 60 who manage farms and agritourisms
- They have a sustainable approach (or interest)
- They have few financial resources due to the post Covid period. The presence of tourists has decreased and product purchases have dropped both in store and online.
- Environmental issues are seen as an opportunity
- They want to increase their presence online and on social media, to increase the visibility of their company at low prices.
Based on the market research, some personas was created to describe the qualities of the target users:

Business Goals
What is the expected business outcome for the product?
Create needs for Besystemic services and spread their knowledge through social networks
Increase newsletter subscribers
Increase the number of clients and the duration of the consultancy over time.
Beat the competition by offering higher quality service

User Goals
Awareness of the communication elements of their farm to be enhanced and adjusted

In a free moment, Marco Alberghini surfs on Instagram and finds Bsystemic advertising, which says that it is possible to carry out a test to calculate the effectiveness of web communication.
He clicks on the link and is directed to the web page where he can enter his data, name, surname and email, and start the test to calculate the effectiveness of online and offline communication.
The results appear on the screen after an automatic calculation of the data. Once the results are obtained, he can save them or share them on social networks. By observing the data, the user realizes that there are some aspects of his business that should be adjusted and decides to send the report to Besystemic to receive an initial consultation.
Alternatively, the user can analyze the data obtained from the test and independently begin to modify the critical elements.
In the meantime, having communicated his data and test results to Besystemic, he will receive personalized newsletters containing topics of interest to him. In this way, a mentoring relationship will be created with the user, who will also follow the agency’s social pages and there will be more chances that he will be able to share Besystemic’s contents on his social networks.
For what length of time?
The newsletters, on the other hand, will be sent for an indefinite period, or until the user decides to delete his subscription to the service.
Which devices?
The test can be carried out through any device: smartphone, computer, tablet.
Card Sorting
In order to determine the IA of the mobile app, the card sorting technique was used to determine the structure of the new website. 
Number of participants: 3
Number of Cards: 20 

Site Map
User Flow
In this flow the user wants to know some information about Besystemic and its services. He wants also try the free test in order to know what Besystemic can do for him.
Product UI Requirements
In order to achieve the goal for the app, the following pages are needed:
Displays the main characteristics of Besystemic: unique value proposition, benefits, feature, testimonials, call to action. In this page we have the call to register to the News Letter and the testimony of clients.
About Us:
Displays the main information about the team and its philosophy.
In this page are listed the main products and services, and their prices. There is also the free test to check the communication strategy.
With news about sustainable themes
In this page there are information about where the agency is, phone numbers and mail address. Here the user can register to the news letter, through the form, and can write about his needs.
Register page:
L’utente che si registra per la prima volta al sito, deve inserire il suo indirizzo mail, nome e cognome
Test page:
In this page, the user can take the test by answering the questions.
Mail Notifications:
The user receives an email confirming the correct registration to the news letter and to the site to carry out the test
Change password page:
User can change his password here.
Login page:
User can login to his account here.
Reset password page:
User can reset his password here. 
Contact form after test:
In this page the user can send the test final result to Besystemic and write about his needs.
Contact form for information:
The user can write his questions and his needs to Besystemic.

The following wireframe shows the User Journey through the smartphone, because it is the most used device by our personas.
Now that the above UX steps are done, it’s easy for the UI designer to start designing the final version of the website
Ux Analysis - Communication Agency Web Site

Ux Analysis - Communication Agency Web Site
