The idea of ​​starting a whole new career caught me off guard. Painting, drawing and illustrating were things I did as a hobby and during the COVID pandemic I moved to remote work, me, an IT administrator and technician. with poor English and a basic pen tablet with small orders and symbolic values.
Sometimes I felt the need to go out and walk a little, 24 hours indoors is not easy and after a few days it is not at all pleasant. I still didn't want to accept what I really wanted to do and I was too scared to get serious, to drop almost everything for a hobby.
So I lost my job. The small savings I had been making were running out and the money for small illustrations was saving the day. Still not wanting to accept fate, I was forcing myself to work as an administrative freelancer, but the monotony and boredom of the position began to weigh on me. One day I went out at night and cried. How could I live without doing something I really enjoy? What would my life be like? Would i become one of those people who are embittered and disenchanted with life? That's when everything changed. That night and that beer.
And for the first time I started to understand what I was supposed to do. I straightened out my office, set up my drawing table right in front of my idea board, and began a series of illustrations about my aunt's restaurant. I then started to draw everything that I saw in front of me and I was amazed that I didn't get tired of it all for a minute. There were many nights that my fiance took me to bed already unconscious from so much work. It's been difficult to enter this area, the comparisons I make between myself and other artists is still something I have to fight to put aside and the feeling of incapacity beats every second to make me stop. But that is no longer an option.
Now I'm here trying to bring together everything I've done in the last two years, seeing what kind of combinations I can make and bringing everything I have inside of me to this new portfolio. I am immensely grateful to those who supported me from the beginning and whoever sees this I hope to somehow encourage them to do what they like. Unfortunately for some the story about the restaurant will be unavailable unless you use the Googgle translator. But it's worth it, I'll keep at the beginning what made me jump headlong into this new journey and I hope you're following me through everything I'm still going to do.
Thanks for watching 
See Ya
illustrator life


illustrator life
