Neo_Brute [Brutalist Future Font]

Neo_Brute© is a combination of stark utilitarian design and the cyberpunk/futurist genre. It seeks to unite both the architectural, minimalistic design drawn from early 1950's Brutalism and the stylish neon-drenched world of futurism/cyberpunk.

Brutalism is known not only for the fascination it inspires but the controversy: critics have called it everything from “cold” to “monstrous.” It is a style that has never failed to elicit a reaction, for better or worse. The reason why brutalism has been able to jump between such wildly different design disciplines is that it tends to describe more of a mindset than visual characteristics. By exposing materials of construction, brutalism has nothing to hide. It trades lofty ideals of beauty for the cold, hard truth.
Neo_Brute [Brutalist Future Font]


Neo_Brute [Brutalist Future Font]
