Brand Refresh, Packaging Design, Art Direction, Illustration, Site Design
Collaborators : Snapgraphy (Photography)

Prior to this exploration, the Incraftables team needed a new website and was hoping for a slight refresh of their current branding. After learning more about their goals in the crafting community—creating products that are designed in the US, and a fun + trusted brand for families—we ended up collaborating on a much larger brand overhaul. Aiming to compete with other well-known independent craft brands—and get on the shelves of major retailers—we were all in on leveling up Incraftables' current look to match their ambitions.
After establishing the refreshed look + feel, my goal was to carry out the vibrant, modern, fun, and friendly energy of the identity to every aspect of the brand. Ultimately, we ended up with a playful, recognizable brand identity that successfully caught the eye of multiple large retailers, sending Incraftables into a new trajectory in their family-owned business.


