Casper Sleep Kit
Concepting, Book Design, Illustration
Collaborators: Hannah Ratzlaff (Art Direction), August Heffner (Creative Direction), Renee Fledderman + Alicia Zurita (Copywriting)

The Casper team was looking to concept and create a redesigned version of Casper's classic Welcome Kit, sold with every mattress and a key packaging piece in their unboxing experience. For the updated Welcome Kit, creating a balance between sleep tips + expert advice, puzzles + playfulness, and cross-selling Casper's other products was the main marketing strategy. Designing something customers would also want to keep on their bedside table (even after setting up their new mattress) was another key component, and thus the Sleep Kit was born.

A folio of 3 nap-sized mini books (along with setup instructions and CX info on the inner shell) brings customers through the stages of waking, sleeping, and dreaming through life. The collection features factoids, tips, puzzles, illustrations, and an empty dream journal as an added place for buyers to unwind, aside from their mattress. I pitched the Sleep Kit as an initial concept to the larger Casper team, lead the design of the final version, and created a handful of accompanying illustrations used within the kit.

Casper Sleep Kit


Casper Sleep Kit
