Gap House

Today, I want to share with you a project that is very special to me. I am deeply passionate about my work and the way it allows me to express my creativity. Ever since I was very young, I've had a love for the arts, and this passion was reflected in my school grades. Drawing, painting, museums, dance (even though I lack talent), music, and more have always fascinated me. However, there's something uniquely profound about music that I can't quite put into words. Recently, someone asked me a thought-provoking question: "What would the world be like without music?" My answer was simple: "I wouldn't exist."
But why am I sharing all of this with you? Music is my guiding light when it comes to creating. Every time I embark on a new project, I search for a piece of music that ignites my creative spirit. And with the project I'm sharing today, it was no different.
Gap House was more than just a project for me; it was a genuine source of inspiration. Wes, a client from the United States, reached out to me. He needed architectural visualizations for an incredible project: a stunning chalet nestled in the heart of a forest in North Carolina.
He provided me with all the project details, including a 3D model that had been used for its study, references for certain environments, and even photographs of the trees and native species in the region. I gathered all these elements to create my visual panel and align with his vision.
However, what truly drives me is infusing each project with a unique personality, ensuring that they stand out amidst the crowd.

Some photos of the site and construction sent by the client

Now, let's get to the fun part: the creative process. The first thing I do is find a musical style that resonates with my creative wellspring. In this case, I stumbled upon a country music playlist that immediately set the right tone. I've curated a selection of the most-played songs from that playlist, which I'm sharing below so that you can also immerse yourselves in the atmosphere while exploring the project

So, I invite all of you to dive into this experience and discover Gap House just as I did - with music, creativity, and passion.


When it comes to creating a personalized project that stands out from the rest, even with some initial references from the client, I dive deep into a research process. Before starting any project, it is essential to understand the atmosphere I want to create, what catches the eye and the emotions I want to convey.
I carried out thorough research, examining every detail. However, one crucial question arose in my mind: "Apart from the lush nature that surrounds a chalet in the middle of the forest, what would make you, on the other side of the screen, wish you were there?"
I imagined an enchanting setting: a serene forest, a cozy chalet and misty mornings near the mountains. Images like these evoke a sense of refuge and coziness. My brain immediately imagined fireplaces, plush blankets, comfy furniture, huge mugs of hot chocolate and hot coffee and, of course, great company.
That's when I made the decision to set the project in spring and then transition to a fall climate. In spring, the flowers bloom and the bushes and trees soon take shape. During autumn, the trees gradually say goodbye to the summer heat, transforming their foliage into a palette of vibrant colors before winter arrives. This atmosphere offers a charming and inviting glimpse.
With this choice, my aim was to create an environment that would not only stand out, but would also capture everyone's imagination, inviting them into the room.

- The Interior

I studied Interior Design for a period, but I soon discovered that my true passion lay in the three-dimensional world, in 3D. This field allows me to create and explore my creativity in a unique way, especially when it comes to materials and furniture selection. Personally, I adore the art of crafting environments and composing spaces, considering how a person living there would experience every detail.
My process began with the meticulous selection of a color palette that would convey a sense of warmth and sophistication simultaneously. I opted for neutral tones that, when combined with the surrounding nature throughout all seasons of the year, would provide a consistent experience. Imagine autumn, with its burst of colors outside, unfolding like a painting. Or summer, with the green of the trees creating a perfect contrast.
This approach aims not only to create a visually appealing environment but also a space that resonates with the everyday life and experiences of those who inhabit it. It's the harmony between aesthetics and functionality that truly makes a project captivating.

- The bedroom

Continuing in the same creative vein, I wanted the bedroom to convey a sense of comfort, security, and sophistication. An incredible space to recline in the afternoon, admire the sunset, savor a cup of tea, and dive into a good book, or simply bask in tranquility with a cup of tea.
To achieve this cozy and elegant ambiance, I began by selecting furniture that blended functionality with style. I opted for warm and inviting wooden pieces of furniture, such as a spacious bed with soft linens, quilted blankets, and plush striped pillows for a touch of whimsy. A comfortable armchair by the window beckoned to engage in reading and contemplation.
Lighting played a pivotal role in creating the desired atmosphere. I chose fixtures with a classic touch, featuring a reddish hue to infuse warmth into the space.
Lastly, thoughtfully chosen details, like an elegant tray to hold the tea cup and a small reading nook, added a personal and practical touch to the environment. The end result was a bedroom that not only invited relaxation but also exuded the feeling of an intimate retreat, perfect for moments of tranquility and contemplation.

And finally...

I've saved these images for last, so that you can appreciate and immerse yourself in this space. The atmosphere created here invites you to relax and enjoy the view. Enjoy the Gap House in the fall mood.
Make yourself at home!
I hope you enjoyed it!
Don't hesitate to get in touch; I look forward to working together.

Architectural visualization for real state

Contact :​​​​​​​
Phone:  (+1) 438 773 3043

We have the power to interfere with how we're perceived.

Gap House


Gap House
