Harald Szekely's profile

GASTROFIX Cloud (2013)

Cloud Website (June 2013)

The GASTROFIX Cloud website was the data storage and administration interface, in other words the back office, for the GASTROFIX iCash POS app. On the Cloud-Website, goods could be entered, prices created, staff and customers managed, room plans created, software updates carried out, restaurants opened and closed, reports and statistics generated and a lot more.

The old cloud website was a completely outdated and rigid structure that no longer seemed up to date. As the plan was to make the cloud largely operable on mobile Apple devices, the cloud website naturally had to be built responsive. However, due to their nature, certain functions would still only be executable on tablets or desktop computers. With the new cloud website, GASTROFIX GmbH wanted to offer its customers a modern user experience in an appealing way to further increase the attractiveness of the GASTROFIX iCash app.

In spring 2014, I was finally able to fully take on the task. I built a very reduced, simple interface with a flat design, based on the design language of the time. With Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Google Fonts and a few jQuery plugins, I made rapid progress and was soon able to present the first click prototype to the stakeholders. The new cloud website was a quantum leap for GASTROFIX and generated a lot of excitement.

Shortly afterwards, the developers began implementing the program logic. A special and new feature was the whitelabel functionality of the cloud website. I created a complex CSS design system that made it possible to display the cloud in different designs, depending on the company using the cloud, matching the design of the GASTROFIX iCash app, which was also customized to the respective company. This created a consistently uniform design experience for companies. 

This new GASTROFIX Cloud website was in use with minimal changes until 2020, when GASTROFIX GmbH was acquired by Lightspeed.

Please note: All following screenshots are taken from click prototypes I designed for the project, filled with dummy data. These designs were not necessarily implemented exactly as they are shown here.

Style Guide


A selection — with dummy data











All artwork created by Harald Székely. 
Copyright © 2013 by Gstrofix GmbH. All rights reserved. 
GASTROFIX Cloud (2013)


GASTROFIX Cloud (2013)
