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Infographic Project

The following image is another educational project done in my Advanced Digital Media Class. This project is an infographic for a novel of our choice. We were to include information from the book, including themes, statistics, author and year published, symbolisms, characters, and an important quote. Then we were supposed to incorporate our own illustrations based on the information, from the symbols, to the characters, and the author, as well as create our own illustrations for the background, based on the setting in the book.
As you can tell, I chose the novel Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline. This book, along with the Harry Potter series, is one of my favorite books of all time (coming from a guy who doesn't read books that much). That is because it is based off of video games, and the 80's, and "nerd lore." It is beautifully written, well structured, and filled to the brim with allusions to 80's pop culture. That is why I chose this book, as not only was it an incredible read, but it also highlights a future that may not be that far off from reality.
Infographic Project

Infographic Project

This is another educational project done in my Advanced Digital Media Class. This project is an infographic for a novel of our choice. We were to Read More
