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Nadine Brischke


Hornsby, Australia

Hire Nadine


From US$250

Idea Incubation: Begin with a brainstorming session to cultivate and nurture your concepts. Sketch Drafting: Initial ideas are translated into drafted sketches, laying the foundation of the design. Feedback & Revisions: Present sketches for your approval. Suggestions and adjustments are most welcome, ensuring the design aligns perfectly with your vision. Ink & Line Work: Once the sketch is finalised, intricate ink and line work is used to define and enhance the design. Watercolour Application: A touch of vibrancy is added using watercolours, infusing life into the artwork. Digital Enhancement: The physical artwork is scanned with high precision and imported into Photoshop. Colour Optimisation: Digital tools ensure colour corrections and adjustments, accentuating the design's richness and ensuring uniformity. Print-Ready Preparations: The artwork is fine tuned to be print-ready, ensuring you receive the best quality in its final form. Delivery & Satisfaction: Digital copies are shared with you.

Within 1 month

1 concept, 2 revisions